Saturday, September 14, 2013

Dumb Rants

Attended AJC TED , a few months ago . Sharing from different type of speakers , students , entrepreneur ,agents .

All of them pointed out a question during the event ." What is your dream occupation in the future ? " ( Something along this line,cant rmb clearly).

All i remembered clearly in my mind was the sharing conducted by an Ex-Ajc Volleyballer (Ajc alumni). Humorous , tall , presentable and with a good flair in speaking .

Four things I remembered clearly : He skipped lectures and tutorials in JC .HE lost his father when he was young.Lastly he was identified by himself as one of the most successful person from his cohort that achieved this much . He was one of the youngest agent executive in the Great Eastern company . In just a duration of 5-6 years , his highest monthly income record reached a six-figure sum.

He shared something so important which enables him to achieve so much in life is by just having a CORE DESIRE .

Core desire , definition by him as something (in simpler term ) ,to have a goal in life . Yeah , we all know that , but how one is able to stick with this core desire and have an unwavering determination to fufil this desire is another question. The degree of closeness of this core desire to you is another part that contributes to the success part.

"The things that lie between impossible and possible is determination ". Yeah ! . The quote sounds very motivating right? Sadly , to obtain that determination you must willing to give up a lot of things in life . Its not mentioned in the quote too. ? Time ? Safety ? So you must be a risk-taker ?

Come on , life is just a stupid dumb irony ! No , or we people the society are the dumb ones ? Total incoherent right? We are being judged for every single shit we do . And the problem is we care about the judgements deep down in our heart (Maybe its just me) ? We are also responsible for judging others ? Why are we all have this dumb shit attitude and actions ? IS that human nature ? Who supposed to blame ? You , ? Me ? Your classmate? World most powerful person? Rant all you want and nobody gives a shit .

**Sorry for this dumb and stupid post , wanted to write about something positive such as core desire , in the end my train of thoughts went off and wrote this crap **

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